The Indian Financial System Code or the IFSC Code as it is commonly called, is a unique identification assigned to every single branch of a particular bank so that giving money through NEFT (National Automated Fund Transfer) or RTGS (Real Time Uncouth Settlement) becomes less difficult in addition to reaching the proper branch.
The actual top features of an IFSC are mentioned below:
1. It is an 11 digit code made up of alphabets in addition to numbers
2. The first four codes refer to to the bank
3. The fifth character is always Zero, as per RBI instructions, as it can be used in the future, if necessary.
4. The last 6 digits the branch codes (These can easily consist of letters in addition to numbers).
Importance of IFSC Code:
The IFSC is a very significant code, as it is the code which determines if funds reach a particular branch or not. For example, if you wish to exchange cash to your friend who is in Mumbai, you should get her account number in addition to IFSC code correctly to ensure that your funds reach her on time. Quite a few transactions have unsuccessful in the past, despite stepping into the correct account number, mobile number and other details, purely because their IFSC codes were wrong. The RBI has instructed that all branches of all banks (nationalised in addition to private) should print their IFSC codes on their cheque leaves as well, to make it easier for transactions.