Within the European Union the fight against climate change will also endure the renovation of the housing stock and the adoption of best practices in energy efficiency. The priorities defined by the European Commission are the energy efficiency and the renovation of energy efficient citizens. What can the tools of big data bring to professionals of the sector? We try to address the issue of energy efficiency, thanks to the help, answers and point of view of Grégory Labrousse. He has been working in the Tech Industry for ages. He recently founded nam.R, a company dealing with Open Data analyze and Artificial Intelligence.
What are consumers waiting for to start reducing their energy bill?
The heating and cooling represent 40% of the consumption of energy in Europe. And two thirds of the European housing stock were built before the adoption of energy standards which are today in full force and effect.
The context is therefore in general very supportive to the sector.
Users involved in energy efficiency. What are the energy efficiency services that
work best for consumers?
Among the projects put forward by public authorities, the common point is that they offer voluntary contribution to an active approach to the reduction of the energy consumption. (…) This contribution takes many forms: sharing data, the choice to conceal and the participation in physical networks of proximity in the territories.
#CounterConnect 2016
In may 2016, the Ministry of development and Etalab organized the hackathon #CounterConnect. Participants had 48 hours to develop projects with the aim to: -empower users to analyze its data of energy consumption to better control; -to provide the data that may be useful in the development of public policy, including local
authorities (documents of planning, energy and social policies).
Among the distinguished projects, can be included the followings:
– Eclipse: a mobile solution that encourages users of the electricity network to conceal during rush hours and rewards their efforts by an electronic chip.
– Network: a platform that allows small producers and renewable energy consumers to build relationships at the local level. It allows everyone to know whence his energy comes from and even choose who produces it, among the producers who are also registered on the platform.
– HomePulse: an energy dashboard developed from speedometers to predict the buildings energy bills, to target shares of thermal renovation and qualify the potential to conceal the spikes.
– JeComprendsMonEnergie.fr: this collaborative platform offers users to share their energy and the characteristics of their housing, by territory. The goal is to improve the understanding of their energy consumption compared with their neighbors and with similar housing.
Let’s keep in touch with G. Labrousse!
Company website: https://www.namr.com
Twitter : @G_Labrousse / @namr_france
LinkedIn : @nam.R
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/namr.fr/
Youtube : nam.R France